3 Ways a UX Person Saves You From Frustration with your Digital Systems Than a Software

Junie BP
3 min readJun 29, 2022


Are you a Facility Manager or Operations Team struggling to implement digital systems in an aged-care facility but you’re not tech savvy?

You implemented these digital systems to help your Clinicians, Nurses or Admins. You find out that they spend too much time on these systems when they should be delivering care for people.

Your Clinicians are working longer hours because they’re wasting 10 minutes trying to find data, find information about one person and re-enter that data into another system.

At most, your Clinicians, Nurses and Admins will use 16 different systems to deliver care for one person. And, they’re frustrated.

So, then what happens? Your Clinicians, Nurses and Admins are less satisfied with their job and even get to the point of feeling burned out.

You can turn this around for your facility.

Not with another software, with a UX person.

Junie is the author of this article, the Founder of Propel Innovations and the UX person in this article, standing in front of a billboard of sponsors and exhibitors at the Digital Health Fest in Melbourne on May 30th and June 1st 2022.

A UX person can give you one-on-one end-to-end patient experience for healthcare in three steps:

  1. Create an avatar of all your users.
  2. Map out each of your users’ journey.
  3. Get a clear scope on how many systems your Clinicians, Nurses and Admins are currently using.

Create an avatar of all your users.

By users, here, we are referring to your Clinicians, Nurses and Admins. You, on the other hand, are not your user. Speak to them and uncover your users’ minds, emotions and motivations. By knowing their current experiences with your facility’s digital systems, you’ll know what frustrations they’ve encountered and you’ll avoid creating those same frustrations for them with your healthcare digital systems.

Map out each of your users’ journey.

When you speak to your users, you discover what they like or don’t like about those digital systems and why. You want to meet their expectations so they don’t spend time on tasks they didn’t need to do. You’ll also be able to see how long it takes for this user to complete a task and how frustrated they feel.

Get a clear scope on how many systems your Clinicians, Nurses and Admins are currently using.

You’ll be able to clearly see from a bird’s eye view the number of digital systems each person uses. You’ll also be able to focus on the roadblocks that your Clinicians, Nurses and Admins have to deal with daily. You’ll be able to address them and create a better user experience with your digital systems for your facility. Your Clinicians, Nurses and Admins will feel less frustrated and more confident trying to use digital systems. And, they’ll be satisfied with their jobs again spending better time on opportunities to deliver better care for people.

If you’re a Facility Manager or Operations Team and not tech savvy, it’s not another software that you need, it’s a UX person that you need.

Send me a message at hello@propelinnovations.co to book your one-on-one healthcare UX.



Junie BP

"I'm illuminating you about the multi-faceted audience you're not tapping into in the design of your products". I'm the Founder & CEO of Propel Innovations.